To build a better and brighter future for all those impacted by Spina Bifida.


Calendar & Events

Sponsored by Bachus Shanker Cares Foundation
Join us for this Free event funded through a grant from the Bachus Shanker Cares Foundation. Enjoy Food, Fun and Socializing including a light meal and snacks as well as crafts and cupcake decorating. This Free event also includes swimming at 5pm so bring your suit for a few hours of pool time supervised by the exceptional life-guards at the Erie Community Center, Erie, CO. RSVP IS REQUIRED HERE: https://form.jotform.com/233555004900043
This free event is OPEN TO OUR SPINA BIFIDA COMMUNITY and their families.
Registration is required. Please sign-up HERE!
Meet Our Donors & Sponsors
In addition to our individual supporters, we have Foundations, Corporations, Business and Community Partners that all contribute financially and/or in-kind. This funding and support is critical to our existence. Spina Bifida Association of Colorado expresses sincere gratitude for your financial and in-kind contributions that support our programs and events!