We will see you at Marjorie Park! Check-in at registration to retrieve your food & beverage purchase, then come visit the SBACO table to say hi, purchase gear and/or to donate.
If you donated online we appreciate that too!
Your support helps build a better and brighter future for those living with Spina Bifida in our area. One of the ways we help those affected is by giving direct financial aid to those in need. We also provide events and educational opportunities for families and individuals and create a support community for them. We benefit individuals in their 80’s and younger living with Spina Bifida, enabling them to learn from each other about how to get through the different stages of life. They learn how to prevent certain medical issues, how to get through school with common learning conditions, how to pursue higher education, job, relationships, etc.
Your support and involvement help us provide these resources. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please keep this letter for your records. Thank you again for your contribution. Our Colorado Non-profit certificate # is 19871660889.
SBACO is a 501 (c) (3) under the Internal Revenue Code EIN# 20-5830943 and DLN 17053156008037